Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Never Ending Snow And Oma-Not!

What a winter we are having! I think everyone on the east coast has gotten their fair share of wintery weather. Even my poor parents in Georgia have gotten hit twice with massive snow and ice….well massive snow and ice for the south. The picture below sums up our life in Cleveland these days haha!

On the upside, this never ending snow has given us several opportunities to meet our neighbors and lend a helping hand shoveling them out of their driveways. With the help of our Missional Community we have helped over 8 different people in need whether elderly or disabled get out of their driveway. We have already been able to follow up with several of these people and hope to continue these relationships!

Speaking of neighbors, we were able to throw a Super Bowl Party for some of our friends and neighbors several weeks ago.

We had a full house of 22 which was a good thing! We needed to be distracted from that awful game! Peyton Manning’s normal Omaha was sadly more like Omanot!

Our original plan was to have a Pre Super Bowl Party for our neighbors at 4:30 and start a Super Bowl party for our friends at 5:30. Well 4:30 came and went and no one showed. We were bummed-but thought hey maybe the Lord knew we could use an hour to breathe before everyone came over.

Then wouldn’t you know it a few of our neighbors came the same time all of our friends were arriving at 5:30. This did mean we had quite a full house-but I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way!

Some exciting things on the horizon! We will be having several mission teams in the Cleveland area over the summer. One of which will be holding a large Arts and Crafts Camp in our neighborhood. Please be praying that great relationships would be built this summer through teams such as this one.

Also Tony met at one of the local high schools in our area for possible future meeting space and it went wonderfully. The space seems ideal and they are excited by the thought of us using the space. We are by no means ready to meet there now- but we’re excited by thought of it as an option.

Please pray for us as we continue to build our core team…especially in the search of a worship leader and as we build relationships with those in our community and share the good news of the gospel with them! Thanks as always for your support!