Saturday, September 21, 2013

Curve Ball

Isn’t it so funny how fast things can change in just one week!

This time last week I was hoping to secure a job as a receptionist at a financial firm.

I imagined myself welcoming and assisting people as they enter into this large office preparing to make investments. Instead I found that I was going to be more of a personal assistant to the 2 head honchos of the office. CURVE BALL!

Just to fill you in on these head honchos, one of them had a cardboard cutout of himself in the meeting room and the other seemed like a young hotshot that thought he was all that and a bag of chips. My job would have included reserving flights, hotels, and rental cars for these two. I have a strange inkling, they might have been a bit picky;)

So although my second interview went well with them and they offered me a third and final interview, I turned them down. CURVE BALL!

While I could do that job, I don’t think I would enjoy the job all that much! Seeing as they were going to put me in a corner cubicle and only give me a 30 minute lunch break, I don’t think that I would be a very valued employee in this office.

Thankfully the temp agency that suggested me for that job had another job for me as well! This will only be a 2 week assignment as a front desk receptionist at an entrepreneurial agency, but I’ll gladly take it.

Isn’t it funny how the things we think we really want, turn out to be a blessing that we never got them at all! 

I am now taken care of on the job front for the next few weeks. We’ll just have to see what else the Lord has up His sleeve after that:)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Job Hunt

I’m not going to lie to you friends….job hunting has not been a fun process.

In fact it has not even been a mediocre process. It has been an unfun process. Is unfun a word, NO! At least not according to the angry red squiggly line under it telling me I have a misspelled word. But unfun just seems like the most appropriate phrase for this job hunting process.

I have put in countless resumes to all sorts of random jobs hoping to hear back from someone. When I say random….I do mean random. I applied anywhere from a receptionist at a senior living facility to a store manager of a Five Below (a local chain that sells everything for $5 or less) to even being in a medical billing office.

Anything I thought I was slightly qualified for, they got a resume from this girl.

I have taken countless personality tests, timed math tests, typing tests, and Microsoft capability tests. Let me tell you, unless you are a genius which I am not those tests make you feel pretty discouraged about what you’re bringing to the table ha ha.

This was a great time though that the Lord used to open my eyes to the fact that my identity is not in my job. My identity is not in the fact that I wear dress pants to work at a hoity toity office. My identity is not in the pay check that I bring home. My identity is in Christ. Which is something that will never change unlike a job. My identity in Christ is the truest and best thing about me. I am His daughter that He chose to die for that I may live eternally with Him. What a great truth!

While it was great to be reminded of that truth, I am also thankful that this unfun job hunting process looks like it just might be coming to an end!

I had an interview downtown on Tuesday with a temp agency. I was a bit nervous going to down town Cleveland…it is definitely a bit larger and taller than Louisville’s downtown area. I find myself in my little black business dress with my pink polka dotted folder going up an elevator to the 18th floor yup 18th and that was not even the top of the building! But the interview went beyond well and hopefully after a second interview Monday I will be a receptionist at a financial firm.

Your prayers would be beyond appreciated! I will of course keep my awesome blog followers updated!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Little Hands Little Feet Invincible Spirits

Tony and I have been around a lot of kiddos lately.

No no no, this is not a baby fever post! It may even seem like a baby preventive post! Although that is not my main intention ha ha:)

Tony and I are helping out with kid’s time on Sunday mornings at our church Gateway West.

We have recently had up to 36 kids.  What a blessing to have all these kiddos coming to us on a Sunday morning! However we have had as little as 3 adult workers….yikes! It can be a bit of a zoo some mornings. 

Many of these children are from Laura’s Home, a local homeless shelter for women and their children. This shelter serves as a rehabilitation center for these women. It provides them training for jobs and help finding homes. It does so much more than just serve them a meal and send them on their way. It helps the women and children in every aspect of their lives including spiritually, which is their and our biggest need!

Well I go in Sunday ready to teach these kids, but they always have something to teach me as well.

We have been learning that we serve a powerful God that is always with us and we have no need to fear.

We sing about these truths, talk about these truths, and color pages with these truths on it.

However these kiddos show me what it really looks like to be fearless. They have such invincible spirits about them.

Don’t you miss having that invincible spirit you had about you as a kid? You didn’t think twice about getting on a ride at an amusement park. You weren’t worried about the economy. You could care less if your pants matched your shirt. And you didn’t let what others thought of you stop you from doing anything.

Many of our fears were resolved due to our trust in our parents taking care of us. Mom or Dad were going to be with us no matter what so we did not need to be afraid. This picture of trust links right back to our relationship with God. He is going to be WITH us no matter what. What a comforting truth!

Tony and I have gone through so many changes in just the last month. Many changes that have the potential of being pretty scary. From moving to a new place, looking for a new vehicle, meeting new people, looking for new jobs. But God is with us-no need to be fearful! 

I think I’m going to teach these kids all about being fearless when in reality they reminded me what being fearless really looked liked.

How often do I allow the “what ifs” in life to scare me out of doing something? If I try I might fail. If I do this what will others think of me.

But just like these kids I need to remember my Heavenly Father is WITH me and is POWERFUL I have no reason to be afraid! What a great reminder of what an invincible spirit in the Lord looks like.