Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Gearing Up for Another Great Summer in Cleveland!

While it may only be the beginning of March, we are already in full swing summer mission team planning mode up here in Cleveland.

The summertime is one of our favorite times of the year! Half of that is because it is actually above freezing hahaha! But really the summertime is actually our favorite because of all the outreach we cram in to two months! We love getting the opportunity to serve those in our community and through that service getting to have countless conversations about the gospel!

Some of you reading this have been on or are gearing up for a mission trip to Cleveland, others might be Cleveland natives, and still others of you are just nice enough to read my blog haha! Whatever category you fall into, check out the list below, hopefully it will be helpful, and feel free to comment with even more mission trip tips!

Tips for a great mission trip to Cleveland:

1) Be open to your new context.
A true Clevelander LOVES Cleveland. There was a recent article floating around saying Cleveland is the one place you look like a tourist if you’re NOT wearing a Cleveland T-Shirt. Most of the rest of the country hates on Cleveland, whether they call it the “Mistake on the Lake “or hate on Lebron and his skills. So Clevelanders show their city extra love. The city is our own secret treasure.
That being said. be open to fall in love with our city and the people in it too. Cleveland will for sure be different than your town and your context but embrace the differences. Don’t knock that the houses are so close together, embrace that everything is only 10-15 minutes away from your door step! Don’t hate on how bad the browns are, embrace the fact that you can start a conversation with just about anyone in the city with “How about them Browns”. They are always a great conversation piece!

2) Be people focused.
Don’t be afraid of people that look, speak, & potentially smell different than you do. Large cities like Cleveland attract people of all kinds of different cultures, backgrounds, & home lives. Remember that God created them and loves them dearly and so should you. Don’t be shocked when a non-Christian acts just like that, a non-Christian. When someone’s heart has not been changed by Christ, they have no reason to act differently from the world. Keep listening and loving them as Christ would. People can tell if you care about them or not. Ask them about themselves-“How long have you lived in Cleveland” etc – don’t run immediately to the question “If you died tonight where you would you go?” people will see you have an agenda and not give you the time of day.

3) Be ready to share the gospel.
A lot of our teams are from the south and that southern accent sticks out quickly. Use that to your advantage! When someone asks where are you from and why are you in Cleveland, respond letting them know you’re here on a volunteer trip serving because Christ has served you. See where that conversation leads.
Being ready to share the gospel might mean preparing your own testimony of how God opened your eyes to your need for Him, preparing a few scriptures ahead of time to share, or having a short explanation of the gospel ready. That explanation might look like: 1) Who we are (sinners separated from a Holy God) 2) Who Jesus is (God’s Son), 3) what Jesus has done for us (lived a perfect life unlike us, died on the cross bearing our sin and shame, and rising again conquering sin and death), and 4) What their response should be (Turning from sin & reliance on self and turning to faith in the work of Christ) 

4) Don’t wait till you’re on the mission trip to share the gospel.
I’ll be honest, if you’re not intentionally looking for ways to share the gospel now…..the chances of you sharing it once you go on your mission trip are slim. We, yes myself included, run to find any excuse not to share the gospel (even on a mission trip). We think-“It will make things weird” “They might not like me anymore and avoid me” “What if they ask a question I don’t know the answer to”. The Lord will equip you for the task, I promise! As Nike says Just Do It!

5) Don’t stop sharing the gospel once you go back home from the mission trip. 
One of the great bonuses of going on a mission trip in the states is that many of the things you do in Cleveland, you can do right at home like getting involved in a community garden, throwing block parties, getting involved in your community etc. Look for ways to be intentional in your own community.

6) Be flexible.
It will rain when you need it be sunny. Not as many people will show up to events as you expected. People you talk to may be rude. Things simply will not go the way WE think they should go, but that doesn’t mean God is not still at work. So keep your chin up, roll with the flow, and trust in the Lord’s plans.
As we were painting a home last year, one of the neighbors would say we could use his driveway for ladders & scaffolding, but every time they would set the items up, the neighbor would come out of his home yelling to get off his property. This stopped this house from being finished in one week. So what did we do? We prayed. The next week, the neighbor kept his cool, the house was completed, and we actually met several more neighbors because of the ruckus he made. God’s plans were not thwarted.

7) Encourage the pastors & planters you are serving with.
Cleveland is a super lost city, and it is hard work the pastors & planters do here week in and week out often with little visible fruit from their sacrificial labor. The pastors & planters have also been in the context longer than you. So trust in the plans they have for you to reach out to the community over the week you are here. Don’t run to instruct them of how you would do it, instead run to encourage them. Feel free to offer up suggestions as we need each other to help us think outside the box & no pastor or planter is perfect but do so after running to encouragement first.
We have actually had an anonymous person from a mission team use our offering box as a suggestion box for how they thought our Sunday service went or should I say how they thought it should have gone……yeah…..don’t do that, just talk to them face to face.

The last thing I’ll say is that mission teams & your service really do work. We have seen people come to Christ and get involved in the church after each and every summer. It makes the long hot busy days of summer 100% worth it.

So bring it on summer of 2017! We can’t wait to see all that you hold in store!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Let Them Eat Cake!

We had a lot of fun celebrating Tony’s 29th birthday this last weekend! His last year in his 20’s! We got together with his family at Heck’s, a Cleveland burger place that has been open since 1974, and then came back to our place for cake!
 Tony always requests a Banana Nut Cream Cheese Cake for his birthday. It’s pretty much banana nut bread turned into a cake with cream cheese frosting. It’s delicious, even if I do say so myself. It’s a bit of work as it’s a 3 layered cake, but I can’t deny the birthday boy his favorite cake right?!
Several of you requested the recipe so check it out below. This cake is one of my mom’s specialties! She also puts a thin layer of sliced bananas between each layer of the cake. I love the pecans and like to put a layer of those with the frosting between each layer. So whatever hits your fancy-go for it! And let me know how it turns out!

Banana Nut Cream Cheese Cake
Cake Ingredients:
3 cups flour (plus more for sprinkling on pans)
2 cups sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp salt
3 eggs beaten
¾ cup vegetable oil
3-4 large ripe bananas, mashed
1 cup chopped pecans
1½ tsp vanilla extract
Frosting Ingredients: (I double this frosting recipe when I make it so I won’t run out)
1 8oz pkg cream cheese (room temp)
½ cup butter (1 stick) (room temp)
1 pound powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
Prep Directions:
1) Grease & flour 3 (9 inch) cake pans
2) Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
Cake Directions:
1) Stir flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, & salt together in a large mixing bowl
2) Add beaten eggs & oil and stir just until dry ingredients moisten (Don’t beat)
3) Stir in mashed bananas, pecans, & vanilla
4) Divide the batter among the 3 pans
5) Bake for 23-28 minutes (or until inserted toothpick comes out clean)
6) Cool the cake layers in pans for 10 minutes
7) Then turn them out onto a cooling rack to completely cool before frosting
Frosting Directions:
1) Blend cream cheese & butter together in a bowl
2) Gradually add powdered sugar & beat until fluffy
3) Beat in Vanilla
4) Fill and frost the completely cooled cakes

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Celebrate Good Times C'mon

Happy New Year Everyone! Can you believe it’s 2017 already? Crazy how time flies! I’ve let 4 months go by since my last update and so much has happened in just 4 months time!

We had a great end of 2016! Tony and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary together in Niagara Falls. Crazy that 5 years could come and go so quickly! And yet I struggle (in a good way) to remember what life was like before we were together. In 5 years time, we have laughed a lot, grown a lot, accomplished a lot, & forgiven a lot. We have a couple in our church that has been married for 56 years, and they say the secret is they are big forgivers. And I say…true that! We are wonderfully “stuck” with each other through the good times & bad. 

We spent Thanksgiving in Alabama with my family. We had a great time catching up with them, eating way too much food, going fishing, and enjoying temps in the 70’s!


It was fun and a wee bit hectic having both Christmas and New Years Day fall on Sundays this last year.  In some ways it was really nice gathering together as believers to celebrate the gift of Christ on Christmas Day and starting the New Year off together at church! But if it was like that every year, I’m afraid I would need more than 6 days in between the two celebrations hahaha!

My parents came up to Cleveland for Christmas this last year and we had a great time celebrating as both Loseto’s & Cooper’s!

Speaking of celebrating, we just celebrated our 2 year anniversary as Gateway Church Old Brooklyn this past Sunday! How exciting! Once again, I sit back and wonder how could 2 years possibly go by that fast, but at the same time, I have a hard time remembering what life looked like before church planting. Before the getting up early each Sunday to set up sound equipment, fold bulletins, and brew coffee. Before cramming as many people in our home as possible for Bible study (For the record, you can fit way more people than 3 on a couch and a pillow on the floor totally counts as a seat). I think one of the hardest things to get used to was no matter how well or poorly you felt like service went on Sunday, you only have 6 days until you need to do it again haha! Let me tell you, that’s a quick deadline week in and week out!

But we couldn’t be more thankful for Gateway Church Old Brooklyn! We have seen people come to put their faith in Christ, be discipled, and make disciples. It’s been an awesome two years, and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for the future!