Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring Sweet Spring

Oh Spring sweet Spring! How I have missed you! It is beyond amazing to step outside without a coat, scarf, boots, hat and ear muffs on and enjoy a nice warm breeze after quite a long bitter winter!

With the arrival of spring comes some really exciting things for Tony and I.

Church Planting Ministry is really picking up these days so Tony is no longer at his part time job. Between getting sermons ready, meeting with people in our community, and preparing for a summer full of mission teams-he has had his hands quite full.

We had our first ever mission team two weekends ago-YAY!

We had a group of nearly 35 children & parents from Trinity Baptist Church that helped us prepare our local community garden. They did it all from raking to painting pickets to spreading hay. We were extremely thankful not only for all the help getting the tasks accomplished but also the help in building relationships with the local garden leaders. We look forward to continuing to cultivate these relationships over the summer with our own plot in this garden.

At the end of the month we will be heading down south to meet with a church about a potential partnership in the future with our church plant. We’re excited that other people are excited by what God is doing in Cleveland! Please pray this would be an encouraging time both for us and for the church.

I am now off to make my first ever attempt at a bunny cake…..not sure how pretty of a bunny it will be, but it will be one tasty bunny! No worries there will be pictures! May each of you have a great Easter and be reminded that we serve a God that has conquered our sin and death-Praise the Lord!