Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Celebrate Good Times C'mon

Happy New Year Everyone! Can you believe it’s 2017 already? Crazy how time flies! I’ve let 4 months go by since my last update and so much has happened in just 4 months time!

We had a great end of 2016! Tony and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary together in Niagara Falls. Crazy that 5 years could come and go so quickly! And yet I struggle (in a good way) to remember what life was like before we were together. In 5 years time, we have laughed a lot, grown a lot, accomplished a lot, & forgiven a lot. We have a couple in our church that has been married for 56 years, and they say the secret is they are big forgivers. And I say…true that! We are wonderfully “stuck” with each other through the good times & bad. 

We spent Thanksgiving in Alabama with my family. We had a great time catching up with them, eating way too much food, going fishing, and enjoying temps in the 70’s!


It was fun and a wee bit hectic having both Christmas and New Years Day fall on Sundays this last year.  In some ways it was really nice gathering together as believers to celebrate the gift of Christ on Christmas Day and starting the New Year off together at church! But if it was like that every year, I’m afraid I would need more than 6 days in between the two celebrations hahaha!

My parents came up to Cleveland for Christmas this last year and we had a great time celebrating as both Loseto’s & Cooper’s!

Speaking of celebrating, we just celebrated our 2 year anniversary as Gateway Church Old Brooklyn this past Sunday! How exciting! Once again, I sit back and wonder how could 2 years possibly go by that fast, but at the same time, I have a hard time remembering what life looked like before church planting. Before the getting up early each Sunday to set up sound equipment, fold bulletins, and brew coffee. Before cramming as many people in our home as possible for Bible study (For the record, you can fit way more people than 3 on a couch and a pillow on the floor totally counts as a seat). I think one of the hardest things to get used to was no matter how well or poorly you felt like service went on Sunday, you only have 6 days until you need to do it again haha! Let me tell you, that’s a quick deadline week in and week out!

But we couldn’t be more thankful for Gateway Church Old Brooklyn! We have seen people come to put their faith in Christ, be discipled, and make disciples. It’s been an awesome two years, and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for the future!