Thursday, January 15, 2015

Launch Week!!!!

It’s launch week people….AHHH!
We are officially launching Gateway Church Old Brooklyn, this Sunday morning at 10:30am.

Friends, we would so love your prayers! See some fast rapid ways you can be lifting us up this weekend:)

We have had three evening preview services over the last three months, and they have all gone really well-praise the Lord! We have had 50-60 people at each service and have had new visitors each week from the local community! Please pray for people in the community to continue to come. We want to be a church that looks like our community.
While Church Planting work is crazy exciting, it is also crazy exhausting all at the same time! Please pray for us to lean into God's strength and not our own!

We sent out a mailing of about 5,000 post cards to the local community letting people know we are opening our doors this Sunday morning. Please pray for people to come check out the church after receiving the post cards.

We also have a mission team of 19 people coming in this weekend to help us out. Please pray for safety for the team in all their travels, and for the team to have opportunities and boldness to share the gospel with the people of Cleveland while they’re here.

We will be hosting a Pancake Palooza at our local Rec Center this Saturday. Please pray for people to fill the rec center with an appetite not only for pancakes but also an appetite for God’s Word and the truth of the gospel. Please pray for these same people to come visit Gateway Church Old Brooklyn this Sunday!

Lift up Tony as he prepares and preaches his sermon Sunday. Please pray for the people that come to have open ears and hearts to the truth.

Your prayers and support mean more than you could ever know! Thanks Friends!