Saturday, October 26, 2013

Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow

Yup that’s right Let It Snow. No worries I’m not skipping Halloween and Thanksgiving and going right to Christmas. I’m singing Let It Snow because it actually snowed this week! Here’s a picture of what I woke up to Thursday morning.

This Alabama girl was not expecting that! Bravo Cleveland Winter on that curve ball!

It’s been funny though, while I’m at work or at home it snows or sleets or rains so hard and then when it’s time for me to get in my car the sun comes right out. I don’t know if that’s the Lord blessing me or blessing those driving around me. But I’ll take that blessing!

I wanted to share some of the other exciting things God has been blessing Tony and I with in the last few weeks.

First of all……drum roll please…….seriously…..I’m waiting for you to do the drum roll….I finally have a permanent full time job! YAY!!!

I am now the main receptionist for a broadband internet company in downtown Cleveland and am loving it! I thought I would absolutely at all costs avoid anything to do with downtown Cleveland before moving here.  However I am loving my daily commute in to the city.

As some of you may remember I had a temporary 2 week position at another company in downtown Cleveland. That wrapped up on a Tuesday. Then Wednesday as I’m starting to get bummed about being on the job hunt again my phone rings and this company wanted me to start the very next day.

God has really taken care of me. Not only did He provide me with a job, but this is such a wonderful company to work for. He was just telling me to be patient and He would put me right where He wanted me.

Another blessing is that Tony and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on October 14th. Can’t believe 2 years has already come and gone, but at the same time it’s starting to get hard to remember what life was like before Tony was in it:)

This was another lesson in patience. I didn’t do much dating in high school or college. As I’m sure any single person can relate with you often feel like you are the only person on earth not in a relationship. However in God’s great timing Tony and I started dating and never looked back:) I had no clue the blessing the Lord had in store for us in our marriage!

Please pray for us as we continue to make relationships in our community. This Thursday (Halloween) we with other people from our church will be outside our home with a popcorn machine, apple cider, and some Halloween tossing games. We really hope for a chance to build relationships with others on our street. Pray for not only lots of people to stop by but also the chance for good conversation. Thanks friends for all your prayers and support. They are most definitely felt up here in Cleveland!


  1. That is so wonderful! Gods work in your life just shines like a beacon for all the world to see. Prayers for you and Tony that His light shine bright through you both as you set Cleveland a blaze for Christ. XOXOXOXO

  2. Thanks Aunt Kathy! So thankful for your support:)

  3. Enjoy your blog, Beth! Praying for you all!
    - Amy Wiseman @ Crossing
