Saturday, December 14, 2013

Having A Holly Jolly Christmas

What an exciting Christmas season it has been in the Loseto house already!

Tony and I got our first real Christmas tree this year. No no we didn’t go out to the middle of nowhere to chop it down ourselves. After all, we do live in Cleveland haha! We did the city folk thing and happily went to Lowe’s on Black Friday to find our tree.

However I do believe we still looked like rednecks as we stuffed our 6 foot tree into the back of my Camry haha! You can take the girl out of the south, but you can’t take the south out of the girl!

Tony and I also (with the help of our Missional Community from Gateway West) threw a Christmas Party for our block!

One chilly Saturday we went door to door with invites and Christmas tree cakes inviting everyone to our party. We weren’t too sure of the reception we would receive, but you have to start somewhere right?

We had about 8-10 people open their doors to us. Which is pretty good for Cleveland! We had some great conversations and laid the groundwork for some great relationships!

We were so excited that a handful of neighbors actually joined us for the party! This is the first type of planned outreach Tony and I have done in our neighborhood, and we were truly excited by the outcome the Lord blessed us with.

What was even cooler was that it didn’t stop with the party! We had another 3 neighbors stop by just to introduce themselves and bring us goodies either before or after the party! How cool!

Please pray for us as we continue to cultivate these relationships!

We are also starting a “Next Door” site for our neighborhood. Next Door is like a Facebook for your neighborhood-if you haven’t heard of it-you should totally look it up more info. It’s a way to share information in your neighborhood such as someone lost their dog, someone needs a good plumber, or someone has a table they need to get rid of.

What we hope to do is use this as a way to invite our neighbors to events in the future so we don’t have to annoy people by going door to door. Please pray that Next Door would spread like wildfire in our neighborhood so we’ll have more doors opened to us.

Thanks for your love and support friends! 

1 comment:

  1. That is so wonderful to hear about. I had a tree in my Cavalier last night that looked just like your car. LOL It must run in the family. :-) I'm always excited to hear about what direction God is taking you and Tony. I think about you two everyday and ask Yahweh's blessings and guidance for you. Great job and keep the posts coming. TN loves ya and misses you too. XOXOXOXO
